My Year Mapped Out!

A tissue paper star I made for my classroom window

A tissue paper star I made for my classroom window

For anyone that might be interested, here is an outline of what I will cover in art this year for Pre-K through Grade 6. All the lessons and projects for each unit or theme focus on certain skills that scaffold into the next grade level.  Fun, fun, fun!

-Routines/Getting to Know Myself through Self-Portraits

-Elements of Art: Color and Shape

– Elements of Art: Line and Space

– Early beginnings of Art (this year I’ll focus on Egyptian art I think. Last year was cave art which was so much fun)

– Painting and printing-making techniques

-Drawing ( I will use Mona Brooke’s drawing lessons)

– 3D Sculpture and clay

– Fiber and textile  arts

-Artists and crafts from around the world

How does your year look like?

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Alejandra xx

Become whole again and change your life. Let me show you how.

Art Lessons for Kids is on Facebook  and we are GROWING. Hit the  ”Like” button to show your LOVE  and join the conversation. You can also follow my adventures on Twitter (@Ms_Alejandra) or see what I am pinning over at Pinterest.

13 thoughts on “My Year Mapped Out!

  1. love your blog! I am an art teacher that is returning to the public schools after taking 7 years off to have 3 children.

    I was inspired by you “Year Mapped Out”. Don’t have a map yet, but I will work on it.

    Thanks for sharing!!

  2. I’m a new art teacher and would love to have my year mapped out like you do! I’m working on it, and have a list of what I’d like to cover through the year. I’m also trying to work with all the grade level teachers to find ways to use art to integrate some lessons in other areas. Thanks for your inspirational blog!

    • I suggest you map your year out roughly as I have and then add the classroom teacher’s needs into the themes–that way everyone is happy! Have a great year and thanks for the nice words. Come back for some more inspiration anytime! 🙂

  3. Hola Ale,
    Anteriormente ya me habia comunicado contigo y tu amablemente me contestaste a mi e-mail. Comence a dar clases por primera vez mas o menos en Marzo. Fue mucho trabajo porque a parte de que todo fue nuevo para mi tengo que enseñar en tres escuelas al dia. En una semana y media comienzo clases y me he estado preparando durante el ultimo mes, y ncontrarme esta guia fue maravilloso para mi. Aunque yo comienzo con Linea, tu sugerencia de tener un mapa me ha quitado bastante la presion. Tengo dos preguntas que te agradezco por tu respuesta de antemano. “Early beginnings of Art” esta dentro de una secuencia?, y la otra es que no encuentro ideas para estudiantes de educacion especial, sabes tu de algun recurso que me pudiera ayudar? Te he comprado dos e-books que los pretendo utilizar pronto pero me encantaria que incluyeras el nivel del estudiante para seguir recopilando material del que ofreces segun mis necesidades. Muchas gracias de nuevo por compartir tus ideas, estan padrisimas!!. saludos,

  4. Acabo de entender la secuencia…entendi de otr… estoy en el proceso de aprender ingles tambien y entendi de otra forma el paso de “early begginings of art”… 8]
    Yo tambien trabajo con el libro de Mona Brooks y el semestra pasado mis estudiantes de primer año ganaron best in show, primero y tercer lugar a nivel de distrito, sus ideas son sumamente efectivas.

    Un saludo desde El Paso,

  5. This is great. I am also new to this. Can’t wait to work on my map. Do you use the same themes for all ages, only varying the level of difficulty?

  6. Thank you! I am an art teacher who has been teaching a long while, but am always ready to learn. The way you have mapped your year is great. This past spring I had an awesome Student Teacher, who we just hired as our second art teacher, and I am going to turn her on to your site. What a blessing to just be beginning and have so much infor and inspiration at her fingertips!

  7. I have been teaching like this for years! Even Mona Brookes. It was so reassuring to hear that you teach art the same way – so fun!

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